How to Treat Swine Flu Symptoms
Do not go to work. It's likely your co-workers strongly prefer that you keep your viral infection to yourself. Take the time to rest and allow your body to mount a counterattack against the infection.
Drink plenty of fluids. This will help to prevent dehydration and thin out that thick mucous in your head and chest. The fluids will also help to soothe your sore throat.
Most people with flu-like symptoms complain most about the body and muscle aches as well as the associated fever. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen products are both effective at reducing these symptoms. Because these medications work differently alternating the two can often produce better results than using one or the other.
To reduce your annoying cough stick with candy cough lozenges or OTC cough medications which contain dextromethorphan. Avoid cough medications that contain sedating amounts of alcohol. Elevating your head with pillows can provide modest cough relief as well.
The head congestion and stuffiness can be alleviated by using a decongestant product containing guaifenesin and phenylephrine. There are many available OTC. Avoid using nasal antihistamines like Afrin because of their rebound congestion and addictive potential. If you insist on using nasal sprays then at least limit their use to less than three days.
If you are diagnosed with swine flu then you might be treated with inhaled Relenza, oral Tamiflu or both. These are anti-viral medications typically used for seasonal influenza. The Center for Disease Control has indicated that both drugs seem to have some effect at combating swine flu.