How to Avoid Swine Flu Infection
At least 1000 people have died from Swine Flu infection in the United States and clusters of swine flu are found in areas all over the World. The Swine Flu is currently under investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
Swine flu symptoms include runny nose, muscle aches, lethargy, lack of appetite, fever over 101 and sudden onset. It is difficult to distinguish from other flu types, and does require a diagnosis.
Researchers suggest using antiviral medicines such as Tamiflu or Relenza for early symptoms of swine flu, because these antiviral medicines are working against the current strain. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) have developed a vaccine to protect against the Swine Flu.
The Swine Flu is a combination of four known strains including Avian flu, Human Influenza and two other viruses. This new strain of influenza is not only extremely contagious but also deadly, however, there are flu pandemic preparation measures you can take to ensure you do not get the Swine flu.
Stay Home
If you are sick or have any flu-like symptoms, stay home. Do not go to school or work. Swine flu symptoms may mimic those of regular flu and cold symptoms. -
Contain Your Cough
Cough or sneeze into the crook (inside elbow) of your arm. This way you do not transfer the germs to your hands and then to every object you touch. Swine flu is very contagious, and can spread easily by touching an infected object and then touching your face. A flu mask will help you avoid infection in enclosed spaces. -
Wash Hands Frequently
Wash hands constantly to avoid swine flu. Anything you touch may be affected, so keeping hands clean will help you avoid infection. -
Hand Sanitizer
Carry hand sanitizer with you. If you have things others have touched, use your hand sanitizer to avoid swine flu infection. In addition, avoid shaking hands or other hand to hand contact whenever possible. Also avoid kissing on the cheek or other face to face contact as a greeting method. -
Public Facilities
Touch public handles and pens as little as possible. These are loaded with germs that may carry the swine flu virus. -
Air Travel
When you fly, be most diligent about following these guidelines. Transferring any flu, including swine flu, is most likely in close quarters like an airplane. -
Clean Your Produce
The life span of a virus is different for each and can vary from as much as 48 hours to 100 years depending on the hardiness of the virus. Although there have been no known cases of swine flu transmission through fruit and vegetable consumption, there does seem to be some concern about the possibility. The best bet is to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables if possible. Make sure you wash your fruits and vegetables with water, and soak for greater effectiveness. Washes and using chlorinated rinses have not been proven to work. So far there have been no cases of swine flu transmission through fruits and vegetable sources. -
Avoid Crowds
Stay out of crowds as much as possible. Close proximity to other people will heighten your chances of to get swine flu. Wear a surgical mask in areas of high traffic concentration. Try to stay at least 3-6 feet away from people. -
Eating and Drinking
Do not eat or drink after others without complete sanitization of containers or utensils. Swine flu can be transmitted by contact with infected eating utensils. -
Vaccinations are now effective against the H1N1 virus. Because pregnant women and children and young people are the highest risk group, they are urged to get vaccinated against the virus. Health care workers and those who work around high risk populations should be vaccinated as well. If you contract the virus get to the doctor within 36 hours and ask for Tamiflu or Relenza. These antiviral medicines will halt the progression of H1N1 or Swine flu virus. -
Visit Your Doctor
Get to a doctor immediately if you develop symptoms of swine flu including high fever and body aches. Swine flu can be deadly, and it is imperative to get to a physician immediately if you think you have swine flu symptoms and think you might have contracted the swine flu virus. Both Tamiflu and Relenza are antiviral medicines that are currently effective against some strains of Swine Flu. These medicines should be taken within 36 hours of flu infection for maximum effectiveness.