How to Relieve Sinus Pressure in the Face

Whether from allergies, viral infection or bacterial infection, pressure from sinus congestion is often painful and debilitating. There are several over-the-counter medications designed to break up congestion and relieve pressure, but there are also effective home remedies that relieve the symptoms.

Things You'll Need

  • For the steam remedy:
  • Large heat safe bowl
  • Large towel
  • Lemon (optional)
  • Eucalyptus oil (optional)
  • Peppermint oil (optional)
  • For the compress remedy:
  • Two wash cloths
  • Zippered storage bags
  • Ice
  • For nasal irrigation:
  • A Neti pot or ear bulb syringe
  • Non-iodized salt
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  1. The Steam Remedy

    • 1

      Fill a large heat safe bowl 1/3 with boiling water.

    • 2

      Squeeze half a lemon, 10 drops peppermint oil and 10 drops eucalyptus oil into the boiling water.

    • 3

      Hold the face over steaming bowl and cover the head with a large towel, to trap the steam.

    • 4

      Inhale deeply, allowing the steam to permeate the sinuses.

    • 5

      As the water cools, top it off with more boiling water.

    Hot and Cold Compresses

    • 6

      Place one of the wash cloths in a large bowl and pour boiling water in the bowl until the wash cloth is covered. Set aside to cool.

    • 7

      Fill a 1 quart plastic zipper bag with ice (crushed or small-cubed ice is best).

    • 8

      Close the bag and wrap the remaining wash cloth around the outside of the bag.

    • 9

      Sit, with head leaning back, and place the ice pack across the pressure areas in the face.

    • 10

      When the area goes numb, remove the ice pack, place the ice in the freezer and set the cloth aside.

    • 11

      Remove the hot wash cloth from the water and wring until slightly damp.

    • 12

      Return to the seated position in Step 6 and place the hot cloth over the pressure areas in the face. If the cloth is too hot, shake it a couple of times to cool it down.

    • 13

      When the hot compress cools, return it to the hot water to reheat. If the hot water has gone cold, top it off with more boiling water.

    • 14

      Alternate between hot and cold three or four times, ending with the cold pack.

    Nasal Irrigation (Neti Pot)

    • 15

      Fill a Neti pot with ¼ tsp. salt and 8 oz. warm (straight from the tap is fine).

    • 16

      Stand over a sink or large bowl, tilt the head to one side, pointing the nostril upward.

    • 17

      Pour half the contents of the Neti pot into the upturned nostril.

    • 18

      Lean forward, and let the water drain out of the nose, into the sink.

    • 19

      Repeat with the other nostril.

    Nasal Irrigation (Bulb Syringe)

    • 20

      Mix ¼ tsp. salt and 8 oz warm water in a small cup.

    • 21

      Insert the bulb syringe into the cup and draw the salt water into the syringe.

    • 22

      Standing over a sink, or similar receptacle, tilt the head to one side, the nostril pointing upward.

    • 23

      Gently squeezehalf the contents of the bulb into the upturned nostril.

    • 24

      Lean forward, over the receptacle, letting the water drain out of the nose.

    • 25

      Repeat with the other nostril.

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