How to Stop Coughing Attacks
Things You'll Need
- Cough Lozenge
- Warm Tea
- Inhaler
- Allergy Medication
Suck a cough suppressant lozenge slowly. Depending on the severity of your coughing attack and the reason you have it, cough suppressant lozenges give hours of relief.
Step out of the room in which you are having your coughing attack and into a cooler atmosphere. Loosen tight and restrictive clothing such as neck ties or high-button shirts.
Breathe slowly through your nose to try to control the cough. When the cough has lessened in severity, drink a warm drink such as a cup of tea to soothe your throat and quiet the cough.
Note that allergies may bring on excessive coughing attacks. Take allergy medication during allergy season and visit your doctor for tests to pinpoint exactly to what you are allergic.
Take 1 tsp. of honey as an effective cough remedy. As well as being antibacterial, honey coats the throat eliminating the scratchy feeling of a cough.
Stay out of smoky rooms and places where there are particulates floating around in the air. Smoke, particulates and other sources of airborne irritants are known to affect the lungs and the ability to breathe. Pet dander may also cause coughing attacks.