How to Treat an Allergy Cold
Purchase over-the-counter allergy medicines. Medicines containing an antihistamine usually decreases nasal drip, while decongestants loosens up congestion. If your nose is constantly runny, you'll want to take an antihistamine. If you're congested and can't breathe, a decongestant is the ticket.
Visit your doctor if symptoms persist. He may prescribe an allergy medicine such as Allegra or recommend an over-the-counter allergy drug such as Zytec or Claritin. Additionally, he may suggest using a prescription nasal spray to help prevent future symptoms.
Stay indoors and away from allergens. Do not drive with your vehicle windows open. The more you can avoid what you're allergic to, the sooner your symptoms will go away.
Keep air flow and temperature constant. Variances in either of these can make allergy symptoms worse. Constancy is the key to keeping allergy symptoms at bay.
Take a shower and wash your clothes immediately after being exposed to anything you're allergic to. For instance, if you're allergic to grass, and you were outside while your neighbor was mowing her lawn, take a shower when you get back indoors.