How to Cure a Red, Stuffy Nose
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Decongestant
- Allergy medication
- Nasal spray
- Bowl
- Towel
- Humidifier
- Pillows
Drink lots of water. This helps to thin mucus, thereby reducing congestion. If you don't drink enough, your mucus will thicken, leading to worsened stuffiness. In addition to water, you can drink any clear liquids such as juice, broth or tea.
Take a decongestant. Pick one that contains pseudoephedrine. This key ingredient relieves swelling of your nose linings, helping to reduce stuffiness. You can find these medication available over-the-counter in most grocery and drug stores.
Purchase allergy medication if your stuffy nose is due to allergies. Most allergy medications contain antihistamines that limit mucus production. They also reduce swelling in the nasal cavity. If you have severe allergies, you should talk to your doctor about prescription-strength allergy medication.
Use a nasal spray. Available in drug stores, nasal sprays thin mucus and reduce congestion. You should only use a nasal spray for three days. If you use it for longer, it can actually worsen your stuffy, red nose.
Fill a medium-sized bowl with boiling water. Place a towel over your head, creating an enclosed space, and hold your head over the bowl. Breathe deeply to inhale the steam. This helps to shrink swollen membranes in your nose and drain mucus.
Sleep with a humidifier near your bed. Humidifiers moisten the air, helping to soothe your red, irritated nose.
Elevate your head by placing extra pillows underneath it. This allows mucus to drain from your nose. You will breathe more easily if you keep your head elevated.
Rest. When you are sick, your body needs extra rest in order to rejuvenate itself. Allow your body to sleep as much as necessary in order to recover.