How to Get Rid of a Cold Without Medicine
Get plenty of rest. There are different types of colds; and if you have a bad cold, consider staying home from work or school. Your body needs sufficient rest. This will boost your immune system, and enable you to fight colds and other infections.
Gargle to relieve a sore throat. Post nasal drip and breathing through the mouth as a result of nasal congestion can cause a sore throat. To ease this cold symptom, gargle with warm salt water or warm lemon water.
Drink plenty of hot liquids. Ongoing nasal congestion is an annoying cold symptom, which makes breathing difficult. Drinking hot beverages such as tea or water relieves nasal congestion. Additionally, hot liquids can soothe a sore or scratchy throat, and prevent dehydration. Taking a hot shower also eases congestion because steam opens the nasal passages.
Take vitamin supplements. To get rid of a cold with medication, you'll need to boost your immune system. Take a multivitamin and drink plenty of orange juice. Zinc and vitamin C tablets are helpful, and herbal teas such as green tea include antioxidants, which can help speed the healing process.
Sleep with your head elevated. Coughing is another common cold symptom that normally requires medication. To ease a cough, sleep with two or three pillows under your head. This keeps the head elevated and stops mucus from draining into the throat. Additionally, natural throat lozenges can provide quick relief.