Causes & Cures for Bronchitis
Bronchitis is classified as either chronic or acute. Acute bronchitis resolves within two weeks to about two months. Chronic bronchitis continues for three months or longer.
Acute bronchitis is normally caused by infections, but can also result from anything that irritates the lungs. Chronic bronchitis is usually caused by smoking or pollutants in the air.
Antibiotic medicines and cough medicines help treat bronchitis caused by bacterial infections. Viral bronchitis usually resolves on its own, with treatment geared toward relief of symptoms--cough medicine and a lot of rest are usually recommended. Chronic bronchitis is treated with breathing treatments, inhalers and medications to relieve symptoms.
Home Remedies
Symptoms of acute bronchitis can be relieved through the use of vaporizers, which help the bronchitis sufferer breathe more easily.
Prompt care for respiratory infections helps prevent bronchitis.
Smokers who suffer from chronic bronchitis may be able to ease symptoms by quitting smoking.