Licorice Root & Coughs
Licorice root is available in many forms, including a liquid extract, capsules and tablets. Dried powders are made from peeled licorice root as well.
Medline, a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), reports that adults can take 2 to 4 mL of liquid extract or 1 to 4 g of the powdered licorice root daily to calm a cough (see Resources). Children should not use licorice root due to the possibility of side effects.
Drug Interaction
Speak to your doctor about taking licorice root along with other cold medicines. Licorice root can affect the way other drugs are absorbed by your body, so take licorice at least one hour after all other medications.
Time Frame
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), licorice root should only be used as a treatment for coughs on a short-term basis. There have not been enough studies done on long-term effects of using the herb for more than six weeks (see Resources).
Side Effects
Licorice root can affect your body's hormonal and potassium levels if not carefully watched. Pregnant women should not use this herb to relieve coughing, because it can lead to pre-term labor.