Home Remedies for Flu Nausea
Ginger and Peppermint
Both ginger and peppermint act to soothe the stomach. Herbal teas are available in both flavors, which allow them to go down easily.
Carbonated Beverages
Soft drinks like 7-Up and ginger ale provide carbonation which helps calm the stomach. Avoid caffeinated sodas, however: they're diuretics and will dehydrate you.
Water and Ice Chips
Water is very important when you are nauseous because you lose fluids whenever you vomit. Suck on ice chips if you can't handle water.
Avoid Foods
Any food taken while suffering from flu nausea is apt to be vomited up. Go slowly and stick with very bland foods when you feel you're ready to eat.
Easy Does It
When swallowing anything as a cure for flu nausea, take small, frequent sips rather than big gulps. It will help you absorb the remedy without throwing it back up.