Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Cold
The product Airborne contains numerous herbal remedies to help stave off a cold. Begin taking Airborne at the first sign of a cold and you might avoid getting the cold altogether.
Drink Fluids
Drink lots of water or juice when you have a cold. If you are feeling dehydrated, you might want to drink Gatorade. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you get rid of a cold faster.
Neti Pot
Flushing your sinuses with a neti pot can help you get rid of your cold fast. Adding zinc to the saline can help you get over the cold even faster.
When you have a cold, your body needs rest to fight the virus. Spend lots of time resting and sleeping to get rid of a cold faster.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help boost your immune system and help you get over a cold faster. You can take Vitamin C in pill form or drink it in orange juice, which will also provide you with needed fluids.
Zinc has been linked to getting over a cold fast. Take Zicam (with zinc as the active ingredient) at the first sign of a cold.