Differences Between the Flu & a Cold
People that have the flu generally have temperatures that are high, ranging from 102 to 104 degrees F anywhere from 2 to 4 days. Fevers associated with a cold can run up to 102 degrees F, but are usually lower.
Onset of Symptoms
The symptoms of a cold can appear gradually, while flu symptoms can come on suddenly.
Headaches, aching muscles, chills and stiff joints are common with the flu but not as much with colds.
Dry coughs are usually present in people with the flu, whereas hacking, productive coughs are more common in individuals with a cold.
Colds are associated with runny nose, sore throat and sneezing more than the flu is.
The flu is associated with extreme tiredness, and can leave you feeling weak and fatigued for up to 3 weeks.
An antiviral medication, such as Tamiflu, can often ward off the flu if taken before symptoms begin, while no such medication is available for a cold.