Relief for a Dry Cough

Dry coughs can leave your throat sore and itchy and can make it difficult to sleep. Luckily, there are some simple, at-home remedies to relieve or fight off a dry cough.
  1. Vitamins

    • Taking vitamins, such as A and C, will help clear up your cough. These vitamins are powerful antioxidants, and they also help to build up your immune system, enabling your body to better fight off the cough.


    • Boil some water and breathe in the steam for a few minutes. This will help reduce irritation in your throat and relieve the dry cough.

    Salt Water

    • Gargle with salt water to help ease your cough. This will soothe your dry, itchy throat and lessen coughing.


    • Add some honey to warm milk or tea. It will help to soothe your throat and is a great, healthy remedy for dry coughs.


    • One of the most widely used cures for dry cough involves ginger. Put some salt on a small, fresh piece, and chew to moisten the throat and soothe irritation.

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