Remedies for Colds in Infants Under One Year Old
Things You'll Need
- Bulb syringe Humidifier Salt water nasal spray Eucalyptus oil Essential oil burner
Use a bulb syringe. Often, all a baby will need is to have the mucous removed from her nasal passages. You can do this by using a simple bulb syringe. Squeeze first, then insert gently into the nostril, making sure you point it toward the outside of the nostril, then let go. The mucous should come out of the nose and into the syringe.
Use saline. If the mucous seems to dry and the bulb syringe is not helpful, try a nasal spray. Be sure the spray contains only saltwater and has no preservatives. Spray a tiny amount into the baby's nose and then use the bulb syringe.
Turn on a humidifier near the baby's sleeping area. Humidifiers can help babies breathe more easily when they have a cold.
Try some essential oils. Get a diffuser or simple tea light candle burner. Add water to the top and 1 or 2 drops of eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil can alleviate a stuffy nose. Be sure not to overdo it. Less is more when using essential oils.
Increase fluids. If the baby is still breast feeding, then nurse as usual. Breast milk is best for any type of illness. If your baby is not nursing, increase her water intake.
Avoid dairy products. Dairy products are mucous producers, so if your baby has a cold, stay away from cow's milk and cheese until it has resolved.