How to Boost Immunity Naturally
Things You'll Need
- exercise plan
- stress reduction plan
- multi vitamin
- probiotics
- green tea
To build immune system, it's important to have a healthy diet with a generous amount of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in order to keep the immune system at its best. Keep sugar, junk food, and alcohol to a minimum.
To boost immunity, a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals will help it function efficiently. Vitamins such as A, C, E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, and B vitamins are important to build a resistance to germs. Take a high quality, pharmaceutical grade multivitamin every day.
One health study found that green tea helps to kill the influenze virus in order to build immune system. Incorporate some immune building green tea into your daily routine all year round.
Most of our immune system is in our gut. Boost immunity by taking a high quality probiotic every day. The good bacteria will help to improve digestion, fight intestinal infections and build immune system naturally.
Drink a sufficient amount of water to stay hydrated and keep the body functioning at its optimum level.
Get enough sleep every night to prevent the body from being run down. Strong immune building compounds are released when the body is at rest.