Arthritis & Flu Like Symptoms
Arthritis is a degenerative disease that effects the joints of the human body--most often the hands, knees, hips, and other frequently used and weight bearing areas. The body's tissues become inflamed, and in the case of degenerative arthritis, the cartilage is eaten away and the bones grate on one another, causing pain and further inflammation.
Flu is caused by the influenza virus. The virus mutates rapidly, making it hard for the body to kill, and can last for days and even, in rare cases, weeks. The virus attacks the immune system, usually beginning with the respiratory system and then quickly advances through the entire body.
Arthritis causes painful joint swelling, heat in the affected areas, and--in the case of rheumatoid arthritis--deformities of the fingers and toes. As arthritis continues to eat away at the joints, motion and dexterity become more and more compromised, eventually leading to lameness or severe limitation of movement.
Effects of flu are high fever, aching joints, cough, chills, muscle spasms, vomiting, severe lassitude, headache and overall malaise.
Arthritis is generally the foremost complaint of the elderly. As people live longer lives than ever before, the body's joints and their wear and tear make more and more of an impact on quality of life. It is not limited to the elderly, however, as athletes and other active people, as well as people with severe obesity, can have arthritis problems as their joints receive more wear and tear than nature intended.
Influenza causes more deaths than any other communicable disease in the United States. Each year up to 150,000 people are hospitalized for the flu and 30,000 to 40,000 die of it. The flu is also the most capable of becoming a pandemic in a short time, as the virus is easily mutated.
Arthritis, in most cases, can be prevented or at least greatly delayed or reduced. Steps for prevention include the following: keep within a healthy weight, exercise regularly and eat healthy food rich in calcium and natural fatty acids. If you are an athlete or at higher risk for injury or wear and tear than the average person, wear protective gear, such as braces, to prevent as much injury or impact as possible.
Preventing the flu is a bit trickier, as the virus can change from year to year, but the best preventative is to get a flu shot each season. This, along with frequent hand washing and avoidance of exposure to those already affected, is your best bet at avoiding the flu.
It is important that if you suspect you have either of these conditions, you see a medical professional, as both arthritis and flu are serious diseases that can lead to life-threatening complications. In the case of arthritis, professional care can slow or even stop the progression of the disease. In the case of influenza, professional care can prevent the infection from spreading to vital organs, and can help you avoid pneumonia.