How to Fight a Cold Fast
Things You'll Need
- Emergen-C
- Zinc Lozenges
- Positive attitude
- Plenty of water
- Allergy medicine, such as Zyrtec
If you feel a cold coming on, the first thing you should do is take some Emergen-C. Many people swear that this mega-dose of vitamins, primarily vitamin C, will fight a cold fast.
Also, if you start to develop a drippy nose, take some allergy medicine, such as Zyrtec. It can stop some of the drainage that might otherwise give you a sore throat or congestion. If you do develop a cold, take it the entire time as it will alleviate the symptoms.
Fight a cold fast by taking zinc lozenges. You can also try some enchinecea, which is a popular cold remedy/preventative.
Get some Listerine or other oral disinfectant and gargle with it per the instructions on the package. This will fight a cold fast by stopping the proliferation of viruses and bacteria.
Fight a cold by immediately eliminating all sources of junk food in your diet. Give your body something to work with.
Fight a cold fast by getting in the right mindset. Sometimes, just deciding that you are not going to let a cold lay you low can stop the cold from developing. Telling yourself that you are sick can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Get enough sleep. If you want to fight a cold fast, partying and skimping on the sleep will sabotage your efforts.