How to Relieve Bronchitis with a Mustard Wrap
Things You'll Need
- mustard seed
- flour
- hot water
- hot water bottle
- plastic wrap
Add 1 teaspoon of mustard powder to a cup of flour, sift it up. Starting to feel like an elementary science experiment "huh"? And the world around you.
Add just enough hot water to make a paste, stir it up. It really doesn't have to be perfect just get it to an en consistency.
Put an old t-shirt on that you wouldn't mind staining up a bit and spread the paste on the shirt in the chest area. I know "yuk"! your thinking, "am I a hot dog"?!
Then cover the area with plastic wrap, and place a hot water bottle on top. Then sit and let it work, but only for 15 minutes at he most. This may feel funky but it can help in less severe cases depending on how deep and thick the mucus has formed.