How to Tell If a Person Has a Cold Sore

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are cause by the herpes simplex 1 virus. You can only get cold sores if you come in contact with the saliva of someone who currently has an outbreak. The sore presents as a red bump or cluster of bumps above, below or on your lips or around your nose. They sometimes can resemble whitehead pimples.They can itch at first and progress to numbingly painful. See a doctor if the sore doesn't dry up and disappear within a couple of weeks.


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      Do not touch the suspected cold sore with your hands. If you accidentally touch it, wash your hands right away. Cold sores are extremely contagious, especially before they have crusted over.

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      Note the location of the outbreak. Cold sores can be on the lip, around the lip or around the nose.

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      Remember if you have kissed or shared a cup with someone known to have the virus, especially if he had an open cold sore. Because the virus is so contagious, if you have done so and now you have cold-sore-like symptoms, you probably now have the virus yourself.

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