Reducing High Fever
Things You'll Need
- Tepid bath
- Cool compress
- Cotton clothing
- Acetaminophen
- Ibuprofen
- Aspirin
- Water
- Juices
Soak in a lukewarm bath for 10 to 15 minutes. The water should be tepid and not cold. If you start to shiver, warm up the water as shivering will cause your temperature to actually rise.
Apply cool compresses to your forehead and armpits. Do not use ice packs as they can lead to chills.
Wear a thin layer of cotton clothing. Avoid layers and warm blankets as they can exacerbate the fever.
Take an over-the-counter medication to reduce your fever. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin are all commonly used to lower fevers.
Drink lots of cool liquids such as water and juices. They will help to gradually cool the body from the inside, and also keep you hydrated. Since dehydration is a common side effect of a high fever, it's imperative to stay hydrated.
Cool the room you are in to about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The room's temperature should not be higher than 75 degrees or it will contribute to your high fever.
Remove socks and hats. Heat escapes your body through your feet and head so it's important to keep these body parts free of coverings.