How to Use a Hot Toddy to Soothe a Cold
Things You'll Need
- Mug of hot tea
- 1 oz alcohol of choice (optional, see tips below)
- 1 oz honey
- dash cinnamon
- dash nutmeg
- dash ground clove
- dash lemon juice
Make a cup of hot tea, and add additional ingredients for your Hot Toddy. Stir well. The alcohol can be skipped in your Hot Toddy, but it really does help soothe a sore throat and raise body temperature so your body can naturally fight off a cold or flu. You can add spices to taste, but a dash of each will suffice for a tasty Hot Toddy.
Take your Hot Toddy with you to the couch or your bed. This is the important part! Bundle up really well, you want to get good and hot so you can sweat out the toxins your body produces while fighting off an infection, and help your body use your fever to help fight the cold or flu. If your fever is bordering on too high, or you are really uncomfortable with it, go ahead and take a fever reducer at this time.
Sip your Hot Toddy as quickly as you can. The heat of the Hot Toddy, plus the honey and other ingredients in a Hot Toddy will help soothe your throat and sore muscles that are common with a cold. Stay bundled up as long as you can stand it. It's great to do this just at bed time (or naptime!) so your body can heal as you rest. I often find it's easier to fall asleep this way, as it's common to have trouble sleeping with a cold or flu.