How to Identify Symptoms of Sinusitis
Develop cold-like symptoms. Sinusitis is difficult to pinpoint because the symptoms closely mimic a cold. As a result, many people choose the wrong type of medication and don’t properly treat the symptoms. Early symptoms of sinusitis may include a runny nose, sneezing, couching and watery eyes.
Feel pain around the bridge of nose. A key way to distinguish the difference between a cold and sinusitis is pain around the nose. In the case of sinusitis, sufferers may sense pressure or pain around the eyes, face, forehead and nose. Rubbing these areas can alleviate pressure and ease discomfort.
Deal with constant post-nasal drip. The common cold can spread to the sinus cavity and cause sinusitis. Once the infection spreads, some people develop an annoying post-nasal drip from the nose to the throat. The condition may worsen at night or while lying down, and produce thick mucus and a sore throat. Sufferers may have to frequently clear their throat or cough to remove mucus.
Determine if you are unable to smell or taste. In severe cases, sinusitis can affect a person’s ability to smell odors or taste food.
Have a bad taste in the mouth. Because sinusitis produces thick mucus and causes post-nasal drip, it’s normal for sufferers to have bad breath. Brushing the teeth frequently and using alcohol-free mouthwash can stop the odor.