How to Fight a Flu Without Taking Drugs
Rest your body. Stay in bed as much as possible. Get excused from work or school to receive the best chance of getting better. Your main focus should be feeling better, not making dinner or mowing the lawn. Sleep between sniffles and trips to the bathroom. Your body needs an increased amount of rest to fight the flu.
Receive assistance. Put your family and friends to work as you fight the flu. Let your spouse pick up the kids from school. Ask your spouse to take your clothes to the cleaners and do whatever else needs to be done. Place your pride on the backburner and take advantage of the opportunity to rest in bed.
Drink plenty of fluids. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water and clear liquids, such as ginger ale. An adequate fluid level also helps your body maintain the proper temperature. Although your stomach may be upset, it’s important to consistently take in fluids. Take small sips of water to help combat nausea and vomiting, which is often associated with the flu.
Take tepid baths. Fill your tub with lukewarm water as you sit and enjoy the calming feeling. Use these baths to help regulate your body temperature and remove harmful germs. Since you may experience a mix of chills and fevers, tepid baths can provide soothing relief to your system.
Keep your surroundings clean. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Keep hand sanitizer nearby when you don’t feel well enough to make it to the sink. Discard tissues into a trash can that includes a bag. Change your bedding to get rid of accumulated germs. Engage in daily grooming to refresh your body. Ask for help if you’re unable to clean your surroundings by yourself.