How to Head Off a Cold
Work from home. If you notice one of your co-workers is filling the office with germs instead of joy, check your companies work from home policy. Now, while this person should be taking sick time and only coming back when they are well, you can't count on others, so take the action yourself. Work at home until you are sure the germs have dissipated.
Give your house a cleaning from top to bottom on a regular basis. Let's face it, germs are everywhere. And who knows what our friends and family leave behind after they visit. So, to make sure nothing is brewing in your house, give everything a good cleaning with the disinfectant of your choice.
Wash those hands. Hands are carriers of germs and you touch things all day long. The most effective way to rid your germ carrying hands of all the things that can cause you fevers, sneezing and coughing is to wash them frequently. You don't have to use anti-bacterial soap all the time either. Just give them a good, vigorous scrub with soap and rinse them in warm/hot water.
Keep as healthy as possible. Drink plenty of fluids, and that means water, not alcohol. Get plenty of rest and exercise. Eat extra fruits and vegetables during cold and flu season and don't be afraid to pop a multi-vitamin every morning.