How to Treat a Cold When You Have Hypertension
Consult your doctor. The first cold you get, after being diagnosed with hypertension requires at least a phone call to your doctor. This will ensure that you choose a treatment that works with the medication you are already taking for your high blood pressure. Your doctor may also recommend a specific medicine to treat your cold.
Look for special products. A close inspection of your local pharmacy will help you find medicine that is specifically made for people with high blood pressure. These brands make this clear on the front of their packaging. If you are unsure whether or not a product is safe, look at the warning section.
Turn your kitchen into a pharmacy. Your pantry and refrigerator are filled with natural ways to treat a cold. Honey, for example, can help coughs and a sore throat. Alcohol has also been praised for its ability to treat the common cold. A little research online will open your eyes to many more edible treatments.
Use natural treatments. A hot shower can do wonders when you're sick. Before you know it, your nose is clear and your congestion is gone. A hot shower can also relieve aching muscles. If your nose is still stuffy, you can also make your own nasal spray by combining salt and distilled water. This mixture also makes a good gargle solution if you have a sore throat.
Get plenty of rest. Stress only makes hypertension worse. When you have a cold, it's much easier to become stressed. Instead of rushing off for work, take time to rest. Taking time to rest with cut the number of days that you're sick.