How to Identify Sinus Infection Headache Symptoms
How to Identify Sinus Headache Symptoms
Assess the location of the headache. The pain of sinus headaches can be spread all over the head, but is most commonly felt as pressure and tenderness above the eyes, along the sides of the nose, on the tops of the cheekbones, and even along the jaw line.
Press on the face around the nose and eyes. If this area is tender, a sinus infection is likely the cause of your headache.
Determine if there is pain in the teeth or eyes. Sinus infection headaches often cause the teeth and/or eyes to feel very achy. The face has many nerves and it is no surprise that infection in one area would cause pain in another facial area.
Look at the color of the mucus. Sinus infections often create yellow or green mucus which may be blood tinged. If you have a headache and are producing green or yellow mucus, your headache is likely a sinus infection headache.
Use your sense of smell, or ask another to smell your breath. Infection of any kind has an unpleasant odor. If you are suffering from a sinus headache, you may not be able to note a change in the odor of your breath (caused by infection draining into the throat) but people around you will be able to detect the odor.