How to Heal Sinus Infections Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Winter hat
- Winter scarf
- Towel
- Humidifier
- Warm beverages
- Measuring cup
- Salt
- Baking soda
- Vitamin C
- Hot compresses
- Menthol oil
- Eucalyptus
- Pillows
- Washing machine
- Vacuum
Keep your cheeks and forehead warm as you sleep. Wear a warm scarf and hat to bed or wrap a dry towel around these areas.
Begin a steam treatment regimen to rid the body of phlegm. Take at least one hot shower each day. Stand over a pot of boiling water or near a warm-mist humidifier for a 10-minute period at least three times per day.
Drink warm fluids to fuel the immune system and sustain hydration. Choose fluids high in protein, vitamins, electrolytes and minerals.
Use a nasal spray to stop the constriction of blood vessels in the nose and promote clear breathing. Create a homemade nasal spray by combining 1/2 cup water, 1/4 tsp. salt and a pinch of baking soda.
Increase your intake of vitamin C to soothe inflamed nasal passages and boost the immune system. Eat fresh fruits daily, such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits and other vitamin C rich foods.
Apply hot compresses to your face for five-minute periods at least three times per day. Soak a small towel in hot water and drape it over the face.
Open congested nasal passages with aromatherapy. Mix menthol oil or eucalyptus in a pot of boiling water. Stand over the pot and breathe in the vapors.
Elevate your head on several pillows or a rolled up blanket as you sleep. Keep your head elevated throughout the night to keep sinus passages open and to prevent the buildup of mucus.
Wash heavy drapery and vacuum carpeting on a regular basis. Keep your home dust-free, as dust mites can wreak havoc on your mucus membranes.
Relax in bed and get plenty of rest as the body heals. Take time off of work or school to give your sinuses time to recuperate.