How to Alleviate Flu Symptoms for Less Than Five Dollars
Unwind in a steam-filled room or a hot bath each day. The lungs will be filled with steam and warmth, which can help heal the body. Viruses are attracted to the cold, so being in warm, moist air will help get rid of the virus.
Take in as much Vitamin C as possible. For example, drink several glasses of juice each day, such as orange juice. Vitamin C will help the body get rid of toxins naturally, making the virus go away faster.
Eat fresh foods rather than canned or boxed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain vitamins which are effective at killing the flu virus and alleviating symptoms of the flu. Antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables will help the body fight off infection.
Dampen a towel with warm water that is slightly above room temperature and wrap it around the forehead. This will take away excess heat due to a fever.
Rest often throughout the illness. Getting the appropriate amount of rest and not overdoing it is essential to getting well.
Drink plenty of fluids each day, especially water. Drinking eight to 10 glasses of water a day will help flush the system of toxins and get rid of the virus faster.
Sip a glass of lemon juice with a spoonful of honey added to it. This will help alleviate a cough.