How to Treat an Electrolyte Imbalance
Things You'll Need
- Potatoes, bananas and avocados
- Leafy green vegetables and celery
- Yogurt and cottage cheese
- Sports or electrolyte replacement drink
Identify common symptoms of electrolyte imbalance. Notice any changes in the skin, such as loss of elasticity, difficulty breathing or slowed breathing, heartbeat irregularities, abdominal cramping, feeling faint when you stand and muscle weakness or twitching.
Get tested. If chronic symptoms persist, it may be a sign of illness, kidney disease or an allergic reaction to medications or foods. Make sure the lab conducts a complete panel. Check levels of calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, magnesium and phosphorous in your blood. Your doctor will create a treatment plan based on the elements that are too scarce or too prevalent in your bloodstream.
Treat common electrolyte imbalances by increasing your intake of certain foods. Eat more potatoes, bananas or avocados to get more potassium. Eat more leafy green vegetables to increase your magnesium levels. Eat celery to increase sodium levels in a healthy way. Boost calcium levels with yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.
Treat electrolyte loss due to excessive exercise with sports drinks. Choose an isotonic sports drink for quick replacement and make sure to select one with up to 85 g of potassium and 45 g of sodium. if you're in a pinch you can make your own sports drink by adding a dash of salt to 8 oz. of water.
Sip an electrolyte replacement drink designed to treat infants if you've lost body fluids due to vomiting or diarrhea. Choose an unflavored drink if you're having trouble keeping fluids down.
Visit the emergency room if you're experiencing an extreme bout of dehydration. The doctor will most likely request an IV infusion of electrolytes to get your system back up to speed. This is a common procedure for people suffering from alcohol poisoning or a prolonged bout of diarrhea.