How to Stop Coughing
Realize that coughing is your body's natural response to rid itself of impurities and waste during sickness. The key is to get well and your body will stop coughing on its own. However, if too much coughing is over-taxing your body, stopping it sooner makes sense.
Take a spoonful of raw honey to soothe your throat and help with healing.
Try aromatherapy. Mix together three drops of eucalyptus oil, two drops of thyme oil and two teaspoons of soft or melted coconut oil. Rub into chest region and breathe deeply.
Make an herbal tea using Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), also called coughwort, a known cough suppressant. The herb is also available in tincture and capsule form. Be sure to take under the direction of a physician, naturopathic doctor or herbalist.