How to Treat a Chronic Cough
Describe your symptoms to your doctor. Detail how long and how often you have been coughing. Mention any other additional symptoms that you have been experiencing since you developed the chronic cough.
Take any medications that are recommended by the doctor. If a bacterial infection is causing the chronic cough, you may have to finish a course of antibiotics before you find any relief.
Stop smoking. Smoking is a common cause of chronic coughing. Once a person breaks the habit, he often finds that the cough has stopped.
Change your diet. If acid reflux is the cause of your chronic cough, stay away from foods that trigger an attack. Many acid reflux sufferers are unable to eat spicy foods. Try an acid reducing medication as well.
Check your meds. Patients on certain blood pressure medicines may experience chronic cough symptoms. Ask your doctor about changing your medication to reduce coughing.
Use an over-the-counter decongestant. Taking a decongestant may improve chronic coughing, a common symptom of postnasal drip.