How to Keep From Catching a Cold
Build up the body's natural defense mechanisms by consuming adequate nourishment through nutrition-packed, calorie-dense foods like meats (that provide protein). Thoroughly cooked and raw vegetables also help to build the body's defense.
Take vitamins daily to help build up the body's defense system against bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C is particularly effective.
Drink a minimum of one teaspoon of fish oil or take one fish oil caplet daily. The fish oil is a lubricant that helps keeps the lungs free of bacteria and foreign particles that could contribute to catching a cold.
Wash your hands frequently to avoid germs building up on the hands and the skin.
Avoid touching your mouth or nose with your hands, which can transfer germs and bacteria.
Limit your exposure to anyone who is ill. Wash your hands after leaving them and don't share drinks or eating utensils.
Get fresh air by going for walks or opening up the windows at home. Fresh air will clear your lungs and keep airborne viruses at bay.