How to Care for Sinuses
Things You'll Need
- Saline nasal spray
- Neti pot
- Hypertonic or isotonic saline solution
- Decongestants
Look after your teeth. An infected tooth can introduce bacteria to the sinuses.
Treat your allergies. Don't allow clogged sinuses to become the norm just because it's easier than dealing with your allergies.
Avoid contact with people who have colds, especially children. Most sinus infections develop from clogged sinuses caused by colds. Wash your hands frequently.
Stop smoking. Smokers have far more sinus problems than nonsmokers because smoking paralyzes your cilia which are tiny hairs that move mucus through your sinuses.
Use decongestants for clogged sinuses. Decongestants can solve other problems that are causes by sinus problems such as coughs, headaches and sore throats.
Skip nasal sprays. These can become addictive and can actually cause sinus problems when you stop using them. If decongestants dry your nasal passages, you can use a nonmedicated spray to moisturize them. Instead, use a mentholated rub.
Irrigate your sinuses. Use a neti pot to introduce warm saline solution into one nostril and let it drain out of the other. Or you can ask your doctor to perform a pulsatile irrigation.
See your doctor if your sinus problems persist for more than a few days. You may need antibiotics to cure an infection. Be sure to take all the pills you're given even after you start to feel better. Your doctor may also prescribe a nasal spray containing steroids.
Have surgery. If nothing else works to clear up your sinus problems, ask your doctor if surgery can help you.