How to Remain Cold-Free
If you too want to prove the experts wrong, try these simple steps:
Things You'll Need
- Throat lozenges
- Humidifier
- Zicam
- Hand-sanitizer
Set up a humidifier in the rooms you and your children sleep in. We are infected by cold germs by other people, but the only way germs can invade our bodies is by entering through cracked, dry mucous membranes in our throat and nasal passages. When our nose becomes stuffed up during the day, we blow it. When it becomes stuffed up at night, what do we do? We start breathing through our mouth. This dries out our throat and -- voila! -- cold germs are here to stay! The humidifier keeps air moist so our throat will not dry out. Trust me, this makes a big difference.
Keep cold lozenges by your bed, at your desk, in your purse, in your car and whenever your throat feels scratchy, suck on one. Same theory: Keeps your mucous membranes in your throat moist.
Use a hand-sanitizer or wash your hands frequently at work, in public places or when with children. Avoid touching your nose or eyes when your hands are unclean -- this is how most cold germs are transferred from person to person.
Squirt Zicam Cold Remedy gel in each nostril each morning. I have no idea how this works -- but I want to buy stock in this! (I haven't, by the way; I have no financial interest in promoting this stuff. I just know it works.)
It's expensive, but it is clinically proven to reduce the duration of colds. I took it once three days into a cold I was sure would last the full 10 to 14 days and bam! it was gone! So I started using it at the first sign of a cold, and then just as a preventative measure each morning, and I haven't had a cold since.