What to do whenyou have your contact solution?
1. Wash Your Hands: Before handling your contact lenses or the solution, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to avoid transferring any dirt or contaminants to your eyes.
2. Inspect the Solution: Check the expiration date of the contact lens solution. Never use expired solution as it can be contaminated and harmful to your eyes.
3. Prepare the Solution: If you're using a multi-purpose solution, ensure it's not past the recommended usage period after opening. If it's a daily disposable solution, use it immediately.
4. Clean and Rinse Your Lens Case: Clean your contact lens case with a non-abrasive cleaner, then rinse it thoroughly with the contact lens solution to remove any residue.
5. Remove Your Lenses: Gently remove your contact lenses from your eyes. Be sure to place each lens in its respective compartment in the lens case.
6. Apply Solution to the Lenses: Fill each compartment of the lens case with fresh contact lens solution. Ensure that the lenses are completely submerged in the solution.
7. Close the Lens Case: Secure the lid of the lens case tightly to prevent spillage and contamination.
8. Store Properly: Store the lens case with your contact lenses in a clean, dry, and cool environment, as recommended by your eye care professional.
9. Follow Usage Instructions: Always follow the instructions provided by your eye doctor or optometrist regarding the proper use, storage, and maintenance of your contact lenses and solution.
10. Replace Solution Regularly: Replace the contact lens solution in the lens case daily or according to the instructions on the solution packaging.
11. Do Not Reuse Solution: Never reuse contact lens solution, as it can accumulate contaminants that can cause eye infections.
12. Travel with Care: When traveling, carry your contact lens solution in a leak-proof travel case and be sure to have enough for the duration of your trip.
Remember, it's essential to follow the instructions and recommendations of your eye care professional regarding the use and care of your contact lenses and contact solution. If you experience any discomfort or unusual symptoms, consult with your eye doctor immediately.
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