Causes of a Compulsive Liar
Antisocial Personality Disorder
According to Healthline's website, Antisocial Personality Disorder is a psychiatric condition exhibiting several behaviors along with compulsive lying, including manipulation, exploitation, and violation of the rights of others. Also known as “Psychopathic Personality Disorder” and “Sociopathic Personality Disorder,” people that are classified as having Antisocial Personality Disorder often performs these behaviors not over a very short period of time, but over the course of many years.
Lying is one of the key characteristics due to the disregard for others. Although genetic factors and child abuse are considered to be possibilities in the development of Antisocial Personality Disorder, the cause is unknown.
Conduct Disorder
Unlike Antisocial Personality Disorder, Conduct Disorder normally exists within children or adolescents. Most common among boys, the condition results in compulsive lying, as well as impulsive and antisocial behavior. Drug use and juvenile criminal activity sometimes accompany it. The condition is often associated with child abuse, family conflicts and parental alcoholism. Most adolescents grow out of the condition, sometimes with the help of therapy.
Compulsive lying can be an issue within close and loving relationships. One of the main suspected causes is interdependence. Interdependence normally refers to the mutual dependence that partners have upon each other. Each behavior that a partner performs impacts the other partner. Although there are a lot of rewards, there are also many constraints that can pop up. Telling the truth for many people poses as much risk as reward as their dependence causes a fear of losing the partner. One lie can ultimately turn into a series of lies, leading to the issue of compulsive lying.