Christmas Speech Therapy Activities
Go Fish
Speech therapists can develop activities to help students achieve their goals during the Christmas season. The SpeechTX website provides many games and activities for therapists to use during the holidays. "Go Fish" is a traditional card game that most kids know how to play. The speech therapist prints a set of Christmas-themed picture cards for the game. She cuts the cards in half in the middle before playing the game with students. The cards are passed out evenly between the two players. The first player starts and asks a question such as, "Do you have the top half of the wreath?" If the other player has it, he answers, "Yes, I do" and gives the card to the other player for a match. Play continues until all matches are made.
Scavenger Hunt
Many students love to participate in Christmas-themed activities when working with their speech therapist. In this scavenger hunt, adapted from the Speaking of Speech website, therapists begin by creating a holiday-themed scene using the items from a picture card. Items include Santa, a stocking, a sleigh, an elf and a chimney. The therapists also includes other items on the board to create a detailed picture, similar to a "Where's Waldo?" scene. During speech therapy time, the student gets a picture card grid with a set of Christmas pictures to find. Each time they find a picture, students respond with, "I have found the elf" or "I have found the snowman." Each time the student finds an item, they color in the picture on their grid. This activity continues until all pictures are found.
Christmas Concentration
Speech students practice goals of vocabulary and articulation by playing games during speech therapy. Christmas Concentration is described on the Speaking of Speech website. The therapist begins by making two laminated copies of the picture cards. When the student arrives for the lesson, all cards are shuffled and placed face down on the table. The student turns over two cards to try for a match. If he gets a match, he must say a sentence aloud using the word in a sentence. If the teacher gets a match, she will also say a sentence using the picture as a cue for the sentence given. Play continues until all cards are matched.