What are three ways that the outside world communicates with us?
Senses: Our five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) are the primary means by which the outside world communicates with us. We perceive and interpret information from the environment through these senses. For example, we see colors and shapes with our eyes, hear sounds with our ears, and sense tastes and smells with our tongue and nose.
Language and communication: Human society has developed language and other forms of communication to convey ideas, emotions, and information. We communicate with each other through spoken and written words, gestures, and symbols. The outside world often communicates with us through the messages and information we receive from other people, books, media, and educational institutions.
Nature and the environment: The natural world also communicates with us in many ways. We can learn about the environment, climate change, and natural disasters by observing patterns in the weather, animal behavior, plant growth, and changes in the ecosystem. The outside world often sends signals and cues through natural phenomena, such as extreme weather events, seasonal changes, and ecological interactions.