Voice Disorder Treatments
Voice Therapy
Voice therapy is most commonly used when there has been abuse or misuse of the voice. Patients work with a speech therapist and are given instructions on how to keep their vocal folds moist and use proper voice techniques. Voice therapy can reduce lesions on the vocal folds that are a result of misusing or abusing the voice.
Voice disorders can be caused by an underlying medical condition such as acid reflux and hypothyroidism. A doctor can prescribe antireflux medicines and monitor and treat hypothyroidism with prescription medications.
For some people, microlaryngoscopy surgery may be needed to remove lesions, polyps or cysts. Laryngoplasty is a procedure to change the shape of the larynx and vocal folds to help eliminate a voice disorder caused by vocal-fold paralysis. The procedure is done by adjusting cartilage and pushing together or stretching the vocal folds.
To treat voice disorders caused by muscle spams, a physician may inject Botox into the larynx muscles. This helps relax the muscles, giving up to five months of relief from muscle spasms that affect the voice. Treatments are typically done every three months.
A certified speech-language pathologist can improve a person's voice quality significantly. Educating the patient on how to take care of her vocal cords and voice with exercises is often the first step. Helping people realize what is harmful to the voice can prevent future voice-disorder problems.