How do you stop a narcissist harassing if no contact doesnt work?
1. Document Everything:
Keep a detailed record of all interactions with the narcissist, including calls, emails, texts, and incidents of harassment. Note the date, time, content of the communication, and any witnesses present.
2. Inform Mutual Contacts:
Discreetly inform friends, family members, colleagues, and associates about the situation. Request that they avoid sharing any personal information about you or enabling contact with the narcissist.
3. Block Communication Channels:
Utilize available technology to block the narcissist's phone calls, emails, and social media accounts. If necessary, consider changing your phone number and email address.
4. Secure Personal Information:
Be mindful of sharing personal information online, such as your address, phone number, or social security number. Use privacy settings on social media platforms to restrict who can access your information.
5. Seek Legal Assistance:
If the harassment persists and starts to impact your mental or emotional health, consider consulting with an attorney who specializes in harassment and stalking cases. Understand your legal rights and explore potential courses of action.
6. Consider a Restraining Order:
In extreme cases, you may want to seek a restraining order against the narcissist. This legal document can restrict the narcissist's ability to contact or approach you.
7. Create a Support Network:
Build a support system of trusted individuals who can provide emotional support and practical assistance during this challenging time.
8. Prioritize Self-Care:
Engaging in self-care activities, such as exercise, relaxation, and spending time with loved ones, can help you cope with the stress caused by ongoing harassment.
9. Stay Vigilant:
The narcissist may change tactics or try new ways to contact you. Remain alert and don't let them find a loophole in your defensive measures.
10. Be Patient and Consistent:
Addressing narcissistic harassment requires patience and consistency. It's important to maintain your boundaries and avoid engaging with the narcissist in any form. Eventually, their efforts may cease or diminish.
Remember, your safety and well-being are paramount. If you feel threatened, don't hesitate to contact law enforcement or seek appropriate legal advice.