What is the communication cycle diagram for health and social care?
* Sender
- Who has the information?
- What is the information?
- Is it relevant?
- Is it accurate?
- Is it necessary?
* Encoding
- How will you communicate it?
- What words will you use?
- What tone will you use?
- What non-verbal messages will you express?
* Channel
- How will you send the information?
- Verbal or nonverbal?
- Written or spoken?
- In person or by telephone?
- Through a third party?
* Decoding
- How does the receiver understand the message?
- What is the meaning of the message?
- How does the receiver interpret the non-verbal messages?
* Receiver
- Who receives the information?
- Is the receiver able to understand the information?
- Is the receiver willing to listen?
* Feedback
- How does the sender know that the message has been received?
- Does the receiver ask questions?
- Does the receiver nod or smile?
- Does the receiver make eye contact?
* Context
- What is the environment like?
- What is the relationship between the sender and receiver?
- What is the cultural background of the sender and receiver?
* Response
- What happens as a result of the communication?
- Does the receiver take any action?
- Does the sender get the desired response?
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