How to Make a Communication Board
Things You'll Need
- Cardboard
- Yardstick
- Glue stick
- Craft knife
- Scissors
- Stapler
- Clear packaging tape
- Yarn or string
- Sharpened pencil
- Unsharpened pencil
- 11.5 inch x 17 inch unlined paper or white construction paper
- Access to a computer with a printer
- Black Sharpie chisel-tipped marker
- Laminator (optional)
Use the yardstick and sharpened pencil to measure and mark the cardboard to a width of 11.5 inches and a length of 5.5 inches. These are approximately the dimensions of a standard-size computer keyboard. Cut the marked cardboard out with the craft knife.
Cover the cardboard with the unlined paper or construction paper. Trim off the excess with the scissors. Glue the paper to the cardboard.
Type the letters and special characters for the board. Arrange them in a series of four rows resembling the layout of a standard keyboard. Row one should consist of !@#$%^&*( )[ ].
Row two should consist of QWERTYUIOP { } \ |. Row three should consist of ASDFGHJKL ;: ' ". Row four should consist of ZXCVBNM,.?/< >. Choose an easy-to-read font face and size, such as Arial 36. This is the typewriter portion of your communication board.
Print the letters and characters out and cut out each row. Arrange each row on the cardboard in the order indicated in Step 3. Glue each row to the cardboard.
Measure a straight line along the edge of the rows of letters and characters. Mark the line with a pencil. Go over the line with the Sharpie.
Type the following frequently used words and phrases: Yes, No, Please, Thank You, Bathroom, I'm hungry, I want. Print and cut out the words. Arrange them neatly next to the line and glue them to the cardboard. Measure and mark a straight line along the edge of the words that are farthest to the right. Go over the line with the Sharpie. This is the shortcuts section of your communication board.
Type numbers and computation signs in a calculator layout consisting of three rows. Row one should contain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Row two should have 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. Row three should have +, -, x, ÷. Cut the calculator out and paste it neatly on the cardboard next to the line. This is the calculator section of your communication board.
Type the following commands: GO, STOP, REPEAT, DELETE, START OVER. Print and cut out the commands. Arrange them neatly underneath the typewriter portion of the communication board and glue them to the cardboard.
Add the finishing touches to your communication board. Laminate the board. If you don't have access to a laminator that will accommodate your board, you can take it to a copy shop and have it laminated for a few bucks. Next, measure about 18 inches of yarn or string and staple it the the edge of the board. Place a small piece of packaging tape over the staple. Wrap the free end of the yarn around the top of the unsharpened pencil and secure it there with tape. Your communication board is now ready to use.