How to Measure Your Emotional IQ
Search for a test that measures emotional intelligence. Intellectual intelligence (IQ) is completely different than emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence involves awareness of other people's emotional states as well as your own. It is not enough to be conscious of your EI. Having the ability to control your emotions even when others' emotions are out of control is vital. EI can change, evolve and be raised as your level of emotional consciousness is elevated. There are many online tests that measure emotional IQ and many are free. However, you may have to pay to receive the results.
Choose a test to take. The IQ test may consist of a set of situational as well as personality-based questions used in measuring emotional intelligence. It will most likely consist of 150 to 200 questions and take 45 minutes to an hour to complete. Allow adequate time to get through the whole test in one session. Make sure you are in a place where you can relax and focus on the questions.
Receive your test score or set of scores. A higher emotional IQ score indicates emotional balance and sound judgment in reacting to situations. A lower IQ score indicates the inability to cope with and manage emotions. According to, "Many proponents of EQ and EI argue that the best way to measure someone is to determine how well they can thrive with the demands and pressures which come from their environment."
Read the results, which will include an explanation of what the scores indicate and include information on which tendencies are prevalent for you. reveals that there are five key skills for developing emotional intelligence. The test results will reveal the measure of your emotional state and emotional capacity in the following areas: the ability to quickly reduce stress, recognize and manage emotions, effectively connect with others using nonverbal communication, use humor and play to deal with challenges and effectively resolve conflicts with confidence. Now that you are aware of your current emotional intelligence you can decide if you wish to improve upon your emotional IQ or not.