How to Cure a Lisp
Find a speech-language pathologist in your area. This language specialist can diagnose the cause of your lisp and determine the therapy you need to overcome the impediment.
Understand the factors that can cause a person to speak with a lisp. A person with a long tongue is more likely to lisp; the tongue interferes with proper annunciation. Young children who learn sounds incorrectly may lisp; they can be re-trained with speech therapy.
Familiarize yourself with the main kinds of lisping. In an Interdental "s" lisp, the individual makes a "z" sound when trying to say words with an "s." The opposite is true with someone who has an Interdental "z" lisp. People who attempt to make the "s" and "z" sounds often make a "th" sound instead. Other common letters associated with a lisp are "l" and "r."
Expect a language assessment at your first appointment with a speech-language pathologist. The therapist will take a history, examine your mouth and sample your speech for evaluation. She will then offer a particular speech therapy that is customized to your situation. Practicing certain words and sounds diligently will increase proper speech.