Tips on Deep Breaths for Stuttering
Breath While Speaking
Often people who stutter will hold their breath while they speak causing their breathing to cease or to become erratic. Be conscious of breathing normally while speaking. If you focus on your breathing instead of on you words you will be less likely to stutter. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Thinking about the breaths takes the pressure off of your mind. Also try to limit the number of stress or anxiety-causing factors during speech: don't worry about eye contact, quick articulation or words you commonly get stuck on. Take your time and concentrate on breathing.
Meditation techniques can help you learning to remain calm in all situations. Sit in a quiet spot for 5 to 20 minutes each day. Regulate your breathing to a comfortable pace. Focus on your breathing rather than the words in your head. You can also breath with you muscles. Suck in your stomach. It will puff up your chest and then take in a breath. Stick out your stomach and release the breath. This also allows you to concentrate your thoughts away from speaking and back on breathing.
Vowels and Consonants
Make a list, written or mental, of the words or sounds that constantly cause you to stutter. On your own, or with someone with whom you feel comfortable, regulate your breathing and speak these words, sounds, vowels and consonants while you breath. Work on the vowels and consonants with with you have difficulties especially. Repeat the vowels or consonants until you can say them confidently. Never forget to think about your breathing while you do this. Speech is so closely connected with breathing that half the battle is learning to breathe with each sound or word you speak.