Errorless Compliance Training
Errorless Compliance Program
Directives are set up for the child to follow. The initial directives are chosen for a likelihood of 90 to 100 percent that the child will follow. A regular period for compliance activities is scheduled. When the child follows high-probability directives regularly, more challenging directives may be introduced. Challenging directives should always be introduced when the child has been successful with high-probability directives. If a child is having difficulty complying with a directive, tasks should be used to help the child in the process.
Generalizing Compliance
If high-probability tasks are used with challenging tasks, the child needs to be returned to the challenging task eventually. When the child has difficulty with tasks that contain multiple steps, compliance tasks should be used. Directives should be worded so that the child can follow them.
Ensuring Compliance
Challenging tasks should be introduced at a slow enough rate that non-compliance is unlikely. This will generally render punishment unnecessary. Frequent opportunities for praise should be provided.