What Causes Ear Drainage in the Elderly?
According to the Merck Manual of Geriatrics, over time the ear produces less fluid, cartilage breaks down and the ear canal occasionally collapses. With the break down of vital ear functions, ear infections and cancers can cause drainage from the ear.
Otitis Media
Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear, usually caused by a bacteria. Hearing loss, foul smelling discharge from the ear and fever are the most common symptoms of otitis media in the elderly.
Treatment includes irrigation of the ear canal to remove debris and a 10-day course of antibiotics. Elderly patients suffering from otitis media can expect a full recovery.
External Otitis
External otitis, or swimmer's ear, is an infection of the outer ear. Usually this infection is caused by trapped water or by inserting a hearing aide to far into the ear canal.
Elderly patients with immunodeficiency diseases or diabetes, must be especially careful to avoid life-threatening complications from external otitis. Symptoms includes, pain, itching, discharge and swelling of the ear. To cure this infection, antibiotics are administered.
Various malignant and non-malignant tumors cause ear drainage in the elderly. If the tumor is in the middle ear, it can cause otitis media, which can cause ear drainage.
The Merck Manual of Geriatrics recommends that elderly patients who have reoccurring ear infections be tested for tumors.