What Are Class D Hearing AIDS?
According to HearingUSA.com, "Hearing aids are comprised of three main components: microphones, amplifiers and receivers." The amplifier takes the signal from the receiver, and makes its louder. Amplifiers come in different classes: A, B, D, Sliding Class A and Digital.
Class D
Class D amplifiers are the most complicated, but are great for those with average hearing impairment. Class D hearing aids cut the oscillation level in half to create a better sound.
Breaking down sounds into a series of pulses, Class D hearing aids convert loud sounds into wide pulses, while converting soft sounds to narrow pulses. This system makes it so the hearing aid is only on when pulses are being sent through the aid.
Class D hearing aids have a better battery life than all of the other classes. In comparison to Class A and B, Class D hearing aids have a smaller amplifier, which leads to less distortion of sounds.
Because of their quality of sound and prolonged battery life, Class D are the most common hearing aids. The average hearing aid user can hear sounds in a much more clear and less-distorted manner than with any other class of amplifier.