How to Stop Hair Loss From Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that causes the body to not produce enough insulin. As a result, the blood circulation is decreased and bruises and wounds do not heal easily. The body does not regrow lost hair as quickly. The average person loses some hair throughout the day, but because the body does not replenish it as quickly, many diabetics experience hair loss. There are some preventative measures that can be taken against hair loss in diabetics.


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      Consult a physician and get tested if you are experiencing significant hair loss and have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes. The sooner you get a diagnosis on the source of the hair loss, the best chance you have of doing something about it and stopping more damage.

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      Switch medications if you currently have diabetes and one of the side effects is hair loss, which is often the case in diabetes medications. Seek advice from your physician on the proper medication for you.

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      Take prescription medication that rids the body of fungal and bacterial infections, which is often the cause of hair loss in diabetics. The medication can help stop the hair loss.

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      Try to relax and reduce the stress in your life, which can be a cause of hair loss. Diabetes can enhance stress and it is important to get plenty of rest and exercise regularly--at least 30 minutes per day--to limit stress.

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      Consume a healthy diet--low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables. This will help keep your insulin levels at a normal range, which should limit hair loss.

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