Technology Used for the Hearing Impaired
TDD Phones
Known as a telecommunications device for the deaf, the TDD phone is a device that electronically displays text so a deaf person can communicate. TDD phones utilize telephone lines.
Hearing Aids
The most traditional type of devices used for people who are nearly deaf or have extreme hearing loss are hearing aids. A hearing aid is a small device; it fits into a person's ears and amplifies sound.
Alarm Clock
A variety of alarm clocks are designed for use by deaf people. These alarm clocks range in signaling from LED lights, very loud noise or vibration in an effort to wake deaf people.
Cochlear Implant
Cochlear implants are surgically implanted devices which provide the user with an electronic sense of sound. This is generally used when people are completely deaf or are extremely hard of hearing.
Hearing Dogs
Sold through specialty organizations and donated by charities, dogs can be trained to assist people who are deaf. These dogs are essential to help deaf people hear things like doorbells or smoke alarms.